Wisconsin Judges, Sheriffs and the vast majority of law enforcement professionals are against the ALEC Bail Bonds (free market bounty hunter) legislation that the Republicans are sneaking into this years budget bill. It clearly is ALEC legislation written by ALEC member organization “The American Bail Coalition.” It is hard to imagine that the citizens in Burlington, represented by Robin Vos, think that legalizing bounty hunting and moving bail money away from the courts and giving it to the private sector will improve Burlington’s economy. But, clearly, Robin Vos is not representing his district or the citizens of Wisconsin, he is carrying water for the American Bail Coalition. The Bail Bonds Model Legislation available on ALEC's Website are listed below with their most recent approval dates, in case you might be wondering where Robin Vos' ideas are coming from. So, we can be assured that as long as the Republicans are in Madison, ALEC will continue to be writing Wisconsin's legislation and these already written “models” will appear again and again as “original” legislation from the intellectually lazy Republicans. (the reader can go to the ALEC website to click on the hyperlinks for each model legislation.)
Citizens’ Right to Know: Pretrial Release ActMarch 15, 2013
Citizens’ Right to Know: Pretrial Release Act Summary This Act demands that pretrial service agencies reveal their budgets and staffing, number and kind of release recommendations made, number of defendants released and under what type of bond, number of times [...]
Anti-Crime (Secured Release) ActMarch 15, 2013
Anti-Crime (Secured Release) Act Summary This Act requires that persons arrested for an offense other than a misdemeanor to be released by “secured release”, which is by cash deposit, secured bail bond, or real property. Persons may only be [...]
Bail Bond Expiration ActMarch 15, 2013
Bail Bond Expiration Act Summary This act would establish that a bail bond expires thirty-six months after it is posted if the bond has not been declared forfeited in the interim. Model Legislation Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited [...]
Bail Forfeiture Relief and Remission ActMarch 15, 2013
Bail Forfeiture Relief and Remission Act Summary This Act grants a bail agent a remission period to recover a fugitive that has skipped bail, even after the time deadline for a bail agent to recover that person has passed and [...]
Alternative Method of Court Appearances ActMarch 15, 2013
Alternative Method of Court Appearances Act Summary This bill would designate certain crimes as crimes with bail restrictions. Those crimes would include offenses such as murder, kidnapping, burglary, arson, drug-related crimes, racketeering and robbery. Under the bill, persons charged with [...]
Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons ActMarch 15, 2013
Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons Act Summary This Act will create standards of operation for those individuals who act as a bail recovery agent. Model Legislation Section 1. {Short Title} The article shall be known as the Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons [...]
Bail Forfeiture Notification ActMarch 15, 2013
Bail Forfeiture Notification Act Summary This act requires the court to send prompt notice of bail forfeiture to the surety, depositor of money, and bail agent posting the bond. Model Legislation Section 1: {Notification of Bail Forfeiture} (A) Upon a [...]
Crimes with Bail Restrictions ActMarch 15, 2013
Crimes with Bail Restrictions Act Summary The purpose of this act is to enhance public safety. The Bureau of Justice Statistics has shown that defendants released on unsecured bonds were the most likely not to show and thus end up [...]
Bail Agent Education and Licensing ActMarch 15, 2013
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act Summary This Act would establish a state bail bond regulatory board to monitor and license bail bondsmen. The Act would also set educational standards for licensed bail bondsmen and establish penalties and conditions for [...]
Uniform Bail ActMarch 15, 2013
Uniform Bail Act Summary This Act would set standards for commercial bonds, cash bonds, and personal bonds. In addition, this Act would eliminate pretrial release agencies. The Act would set restrictions on the use of personal bonds. Model Legislation {Title, […]